I need help from my bird geek friends...
My sister Anne is a high school teacher in a large east coast city. [A round of applause please...] For a little extra fun and diversion, she wants to teach a special summer course to younger kids (1st through 4th grades) on birds and birding. This course will be two weeks long (80 minutes each day), has a very small budget and must incorporate computer use. Seems like a cool idea, eh? She asked for some help and I suggested making use of some of the many great websites that provide information and interaction with birds. I also volunteered to plead for help from the bird-brains that visit here occasionally.
I don't know how this info could be arranged into a course, but I can list a few resources. Here are some websites I've discovered:
- The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Online Bird Guide
- and their how-to-bird information.
- They've also got some good stuff on bird feeding and attracting birds to your yard
- Then there's The Birder Blog
- CLO's Nest Box Cams
- National Geographic's Crane Cam is not currently operational since it's the wrong time of year, but they've got some videos and pictures from last spring's migration of sandhill cranes
- Of course, I and the Bird has lots of great stories and blurbs, but it's not especially organized by topic.
- About.com has some online birding info
- There are a couple of books about birding for kids
- I also found Kidwings, which is aimed precisely at this topic.
- US Fisheries & Wildlife has some resources too
- And let's not forget Dave's blog from The Bird Treatment and Learning Center in Anchorage, Alaska - lots of info about injured bird treatment, rehab, etc.
Anybody got any other suggestions or ideas? I'll add them as they're posted in comments.
from John of A DC Birding Blog -
- Osprey Cam site
- The Pawtuxent Guide site
- The eNature site, has other non-bird stuff too
- The Owl Pages
- And a site about warblers
- And another site about warblers
Thanks John!
From a certain 'French' relation -
Thanks Goop!
Anne - Dave and Alan have left additonal remarks in comments. Do you think you could find a local birding club or falcon club member that might volunteer to show up with a live bird or two? I bet you could... Thanks guys!

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